What was your favourite thing this year?
Well, since I'm a Year 6 I went to Ski Trip and that will most probably be my favourite thing this year.
How do you think your learning's going and why?
I think I'm going great because I am getting better at every subject.
What is your favourite subject this year and why?
P.E, definitly P.E because I love getting active outside the classroom.
What are you looking forward to next year?
To come back to Tawhiti when there is Teacher's Only Day at Intermediate.
What are you going to miss?
I am going to miss camps, teachers and friends.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Tawhiti All Starz Rock!!!
Tawhiti School's touch teams had there first games of touch today.
The Tawhiti All Starz won today and we got 4 tries from Zhane so that 8 points, 2 from Rikaiyah 10 points, Callum got 1 and Mclarn got 1 and I think we got more but I forgot who did.
Today was great but the worst part was I twisted my ankle as soon as the game was over and this is how I did it, Callum and I were going for the same person and we touched her the same time and then I tripped over Callum's foot.
I can't wait until next Thursday but I hope my foots going to be alright. Wish me luck.
Tawhiti School's touch teams had there first games of touch today.
The Tawhiti All Starz won today and we got 4 tries from Zhane so that 8 points, 2 from Rikaiyah 10 points, Callum got 1 and Mclarn got 1 and I think we got more but I forgot who did.
Today was great but the worst part was I twisted my ankle as soon as the game was over and this is how I did it, Callum and I were going for the same person and we touched her the same time and then I tripped over Callum's foot.
I can't wait until next Thursday but I hope my foots going to be alright. Wish me luck.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
W.A.L.T Instruct
What's That Room 6 Have A New L.I?
Yep, That's Right Room 6, Kowhai Has A Brand New L.I And Here It Is-
W.A.L.T: Write To Instruct.
And Here Is One Example:
Making Milo.
Have you ever just felt like making a hot Milo because it's freezing but you don't know how to? Well, here's your chance to make one.
Equipment: Cup(s), teaspoon or/and measuring cups, electric jug.
Ingredients: Milo (Nestle), Milk, Hot Water, sugar.
Yep, That's Right Room 6, Kowhai Has A Brand New L.I And Here It Is-
W.A.L.T: Write To Instruct.
And Here Is One Example:
Making Milo.
Have you ever just felt like making a hot Milo because it's freezing but you don't know how to? Well, here's your chance to make one.
Equipment: Cup(s), teaspoon or/and measuring cups, electric jug.
Ingredients: Milo (Nestle), Milk, Hot Water, sugar.
1. Firstly, pour in some cold water into the electric jug and boil the water.
2. While waiting for your hot water to heat, tip in 2 tsp of sugar and Milo in your cup(s) and stir around carefully so it doesn't tip out.
3. Now, slowly add in some milk but not too much just enough to fit in the hot water .
4. Once the jug has boiled, gently tip the hot water into the rest of the cup and blend together with teaspoon.
5. You MIGHT want to wait for it to cool down a bit but you don't have to.
Pet Day
WOW! Don't you just love Pet Day?
What's Pet Day some of you ask? Well Pet Day is a day where you can bring any sort of pet you can bring cats, dogs, rabbits, turtles, lambs, cows, i've even seen a possum.
Another fun part of Pet Day is the 'Arts and Crafts'. Arts and Crafts are things you make such as flower arrangements, coconut pictures, maybe some art and all that kind of stuff, this year Room 6, Kowhai are making coconut pictures, sock puppets and unusual flower arrangements.
Also you can make cakes and they will get judged according to its taste, theme and decorated.
P.S: Arts and Crafts get judged as well.
What's Pet Day some of you ask? Well Pet Day is a day where you can bring any sort of pet you can bring cats, dogs, rabbits, turtles, lambs, cows, i've even seen a possum.
Another fun part of Pet Day is the 'Arts and Crafts'. Arts and Crafts are things you make such as flower arrangements, coconut pictures, maybe some art and all that kind of stuff, this year Room 6, Kowhai are making coconut pictures, sock puppets and unusual flower arrangements.
Also you can make cakes and they will get judged according to its taste, theme and decorated.
P.S: Arts and Crafts get judged as well.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
School Holiday's
School Holidays
School holidays has been so fantastic, want to know why? Well your going to know even if you don't like it.
1. I stayed at my Dad's from Saturday to Friday and there I had heaps of money and I went to the shop numeral times that week.
2. I stayed at my Mum's from Friday to Wednesday I went to my Aunty Candace's and Uncle Bro's with her as well and Bachelor wasn't there so it was much much more peaceful.
3. I stayed at Zhane's house from Wednesday to Friday and on Thursday I went to the pools and this is what we done:
Firstly when I got changed into my togs the first thing I did was hoped into the thermal pool and then waited for a hop in the colder while to pool and I was freezing but then after a while i got used to it, Zhane, Jonleon, Makaiya, Kayin and I were splashing around and having heaps of fun and there was no one we knew there and then ... Jake came along with his friend Simon and his sister Anyssa. All of us were soon playing all together and now here's the fun part the big bouncy zig-zag thing was blown up and we all were banging into it so the person would fall off it and we were grabbing there legs and arms.
School holidays has been so fantastic, want to know why? Well your going to know even if you don't like it.
1. I stayed at my Dad's from Saturday to Friday and there I had heaps of money and I went to the shop numeral times that week.
2. I stayed at my Mum's from Friday to Wednesday I went to my Aunty Candace's and Uncle Bro's with her as well and Bachelor wasn't there so it was much much more peaceful.
3. I stayed at Zhane's house from Wednesday to Friday and on Thursday I went to the pools and this is what we done:
Firstly when I got changed into my togs the first thing I did was hoped into the thermal pool and then waited for a hop in the colder while to pool and I was freezing but then after a while i got used to it, Zhane, Jonleon, Makaiya, Kayin and I were splashing around and having heaps of fun and there was no one we knew there and then ... Jake came along with his friend Simon and his sister Anyssa. All of us were soon playing all together and now here's the fun part the big bouncy zig-zag thing was blown up and we all were banging into it so the person would fall off it and we were grabbing there legs and arms.
I have to go now otherwise I would of write more.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Open and Closed Questions
What are open and closed questions? Well, an open question is a question where they have more than one answer and an closed question is whe it only has one answer for example How old are you? Where are you from? Those are closed questions because if I answered them I would say 11 and I'm from New Zealand. And here are some open questions What is an Open question? What is an musical production? Now you know what Open and Closed questions are.
My Story {up to my problem}
In an empty super-market, the scorching sun was shining into the clean hard window and also into Andy Apples' eye's. "OH" He groaned as he slowly widened his eyes. "C'mon, everyone" Andy screeched loudly down each aisle. "I ain't letting a human see us sleeping!" He continued. "It's, I'm NOT letting a human see us sleeping" Sandy Strawberry yelled feeling annoyed. "Not I AIN'T letting a human see us sleeping" Sandy hated it when people didn't say their sentences right. "Who cares" Andy replied. "I don't"
Suddenly 'Bang' the red, rickety round doors slammed open. Andy got into position like all the others. " Mummy, Mummy!" Screamed a little girl. " Buy some fruit, fruit Mummy, fruit!" She jumped up and down, then a giant hand grabbed...Andy Apple, Catie Cucumber, Kenny Carrot, Sandy Strawberry, Terri Tomato and Leo Lemon. "I can hear a rustling sound" Andy whispered panicking."Oh, it's just a plastic bag"Catie answered. Drop, drop, drop, drop, drop, drop. All the fruit bounced in as they all heard children screaming and trolleys crashing.
The child, Lexi, plunked the plastic bag into the front seat of the car and placed herself in the back. "Bbbrrrrmmm" They zoomed off until they were down Reaching Lane, Lexi jumped out the car swinging the plastic bag.
Mean while her mum scooped all the fruit out except one, Andy. Mum placed the fruit in the bottom of the fridge and accidentally put Andy in the freezer.
And that is the end of my story up to my problem.
Suddenly 'Bang' the red, rickety round doors slammed open. Andy got into position like all the others. " Mummy, Mummy!" Screamed a little girl. " Buy some fruit, fruit Mummy, fruit!" She jumped up and down, then a giant hand grabbed...Andy Apple, Catie Cucumber, Kenny Carrot, Sandy Strawberry, Terri Tomato and Leo Lemon. "I can hear a rustling sound" Andy whispered panicking."Oh, it's just a plastic bag"Catie answered. Drop, drop, drop, drop, drop, drop. All the fruit bounced in as they all heard children screaming and trolleys crashing.
The child, Lexi, plunked the plastic bag into the front seat of the car and placed herself in the back. "Bbbrrrrmmm" They zoomed off until they were down Reaching Lane, Lexi jumped out the car swinging the plastic bag.
Mean while her mum scooped all the fruit out except one, Andy. Mum placed the fruit in the bottom of the fridge and accidentally put Andy in the freezer.
And that is the end of my story up to my problem.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Bhana Cup

Wow! Who knew Bhana Cup would be so much fun? Well, I know I had fun and I'm sure most of you others (people who got into Bhana Cup, Teachers, Umpires e.c.t) did too, and now I am going to tell you about Tawhiti's Bhana Cup Hockey Team game. Well, we won two games which is fine at least we had a great game, we faced Normamby, St Joes, TuruTuru, Carlyle, Hawera Primary and more, we all played hard and Marshall, Jake and Briana were awesome out there. Waverly won the Hockey Cup because they were strong, fast and they spread out heaps and I think that the other schools were strong and fast too including us but we needed to not give up and I know that I gave up for a while but I think I learnt from my mistake that even if they get a goal or two we can still win and I think everyone else shouldn't of gave up if they did.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
I've been on Blogger heaps!
It may not look like I've been on my learning blog heaps but I have, sometimes I just don't know what to write about and right now it's one of those times so let me think...2 minutes later... I know what to write I've been on the Internet and I have found out some information about animals .

Giraffe's and humans have the same amount of bones in their neck.
There are presently over a million animal species upon planet earth.
The reptiles have 6,000 species crawling in their habitats; and more are discovered each year.
There are over 70,000 types of spiders spinning their webs in the world.
Well, there are 3,000 kinds of lice. Yes, it is the lice we are prone to get due to lack of hair hygiene.
This is a mind-boggling fact – for each of the 600 million people there is about 200 million insects crawling, flying...
Mammals are the only creatures that have flaps around their ears.
The world has approximately one billion cattle, of which about 200 million belong to India.
The life of a housefly is only 14 days.
A dog was the first animal to up in space.
A sheep, a duck and a rooster were the first animals to fly in a hot air balloon. The oldest breed of a dog known to mankind is the ‘Saluki’.
An ostrich is the fastest bird and can run up to 70 km/h.
Never get a camel angry, for he or she will spit at you.
There are crabs that are the size of a pea. There are known as ‘Pea Crabs’.
The lifespan of 75 percent of wild birds is 6 months.
Denmark has twice as many pigs as there are people.
You do not need cotton buds to clean a giraffe ears. It can do so with its own 50cm-tongue.
Want to known the appetite of a South American Giant Anteater? Well it eats over 30,000 ants, per day.
The sailfish can swim at the speed of 109 km/h, making it the fastest swimmer.
The Sea Horse is the slowest fish, drifting at approximately 0.016 km/h.
The length of an elephant is the same as the tongue of a blue whale.
The crocodile's tongue is unmovable, as it is attached to the roof of its mouth.
This information is from http://www.factsaboutanimals.net/ I hope you have enjoyed this information especially to animal lovers.
P.S Please comment if you have anything to say.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Squares are so smart!

You want to know why? Well, I'll tell you why, squares have got new learning intention and that learning intention is similar to the other one except it's Use a range of strategies to solve division problems, and we've only learnt one strategy which is place value and this is how you use it. Place Value
125 / (dividby) 5= 100 / 5 = 20 25 / 5 = 5
20 + 5 = 25
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Remember my learning intention, well, if you forgot or didn't know it was to INFER.
Another quick reminder inferring is: Reading between the lines, looking for clues, visualising and more.
Well, what I was saying was I want to show you another show and tell sentence so I can prove to you that I can actually infer.
Here we go.
Tell: Nan is nice.
Show:Nan makes me muffins, cleans my room, doesn't yell at me (much), she buys me clothes, buys me shoes, accessories and takes me to places.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Ella & Ob Book Review

Ella & Ob
Bella's mother is a scientist and has disappeared while researching recycling. Her father is upset and is getting stranger by the day. Now Bella's about to meet Bob...a ghost who calls himself 'Ob' (the 'B' is silent) and that's not the only bit that's missing. While meeting Bob she finds that ghosts have missing parts of their body too so it shows, if you don't understand what I just wrote then here's a bit of the story (in my words) that might make you understand- When people lose their teeth or anything you CAN'T see it but when ghosts lose their teeth or anything you CAN see it- get it. I recommend this book especially if you like/love mysteries, I personally rate this book an 8/10 for the mysterious things that happen in this story. So get to your nearest library or book store where you can get this book and READ IT!
P.S This is my first Book Review so thanks for listening to it, please comment if you have anything to say about my first Book review.
Bella's mother is a scientist and has disappeared while researching recycling. Her father is upset and is getting stranger by the day. Now Bella's about to meet Bob...a ghost who calls himself 'Ob' (the 'B' is silent) and that's not the only bit that's missing. While meeting Bob she finds that ghosts have missing parts of their body too so it shows, if you don't understand what I just wrote then here's a bit of the story (in my words) that might make you understand- When people lose their teeth or anything you CAN'T see it but when ghosts lose their teeth or anything you CAN see it- get it. I recommend this book especially if you like/love mysteries, I personally rate this book an 8/10 for the mysterious things that happen in this story. So get to your nearest library or book store where you can get this book and READ IT!
P.S This is my first Book Review so thanks for listening to it, please comment if you have anything to say about my first Book review.
Friday, August 13, 2010
My learning intention for Reading

W.A.L.T: Infer
This means: Reading between the lines, looking for clues, showing not telling e.c.t.
- David's books were ripped lying in the corner, clothes scattered around the floor, draws stuck open, the blankets on the bed was all the way at the end of it and Mum could even see food scraps under the bed.
From this we can infer:
David's room was messy and he is too.
Student Led Confrences

Everyone said about Student Led Conferences"Aaaaaaaaaaaaggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh! Student Led Conferences is going to be so scary.I'm nervous. What am I going to do ?" But after Student Led Conferences your parents actually loved it and I think most of you did too, so I think that if we were going to do this again we would be experts at it. So what did we say after Student Led Conferences "Wow, that wasn't bad after all" or "That wasn't as scary as I thought it would be" So this goes out to everyone Student Led Conferences aren't scary!
P.S My parent who came to Student Led Conference said that I was doing excellent and have improved in my learning so did the teachers and I'm sure all of you guys(Room 6 ) did too.
What I am learning for Maths
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