Wow! Who knew Bhana Cup would be so much fun? Well, I know I had fun and I'm sure most of you others (people who got into Bhana Cup, Teachers, Umpires e.c.t) did too, and now I am going to tell you about Tawhiti's Bhana Cup Hockey Team game. Well, we won two games which is fine at least we had a great game, we faced Normamby, St Joes, TuruTuru, Carlyle, Hawera Primary and more, we all played hard and Marshall, Jake and Briana were awesome out there. Waverly won the Hockey Cup because they were strong, fast and they spread out heaps and I think that the other schools were strong and fast too including us but we needed to not give up and I know that I gave up for a while but I think I learnt from my mistake that even if they get a goal or two we can still win and I think everyone else shouldn't of gave up if they did.
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